Bulk traffic statistics by rail 2024

URL: https://opendata.portdebarcelona.cat/dataset/5241c208-9923-4d81-96c8-a50dff25aa23/resource/6e3277bc-9663-4e0d-9a19-ddfa1b24014d/download/trafic_ferrocarril_granels_2024.csv

Statistical data of the bulk traffic by rail of the Port of Barcelona during 2024

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Description
MAN Any Servei ID int

año del servicio ferroviario

MAN Mes Servei ID int

año y mes del servicio ferroviario

MAN Mes Any Servei ID int

mes del servicio ferroviario

MAN FERR Grup Envàs DESC text

descripción del grupo de envase

MAN FERR Grup Envàs ID int

identificador del grupo de envase

MAN FERR Granels int

toneladas de graneles movidas

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated August 28, 2024
Metadata last updated April 5, 2024
Created April 5, 2024
Format text/csv
License CC BY-SA 4.0
created5 months ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified19 days ago
on same domainTrue
package id5241c208-9923-4d81-96c8-a50dff25aa23
revision idd920ac22-13bc-45a4-a993-73524f45abbe
size859 bytes
url typeupload