Rail car traffic statistics
Statistical data on car traffic by rail of the Port of Barcelona -
Traffic statistics of teus by rail
Statistical data of the traffic of teus by rail of the Port of Barcelona -
Bulk traffic statistics by rail
Statistical data of the bulk traffic by rail of the Port of Barcelona -
Railway circulation statistics
Statistical data on the circulation of railways in the Port of Barcelona -
Goods by nature and presentation traffic statistics
Statistical data of the traffic of goods by nature and presentation of the goods (tariff code 437) of the Port of Barcelona -
Goods per container traffic statistics
Statistical data of the goods per container traffic of the Port of Barcelona -
Passenger traffic statistics
Statistical data of the passenger traffic of the Port of Barcelona -
Ship traffic statistics
Statistical data on ship traffic in the Port of Barcelona -
Statistical report of the Port of Barcelona. Financial statement 2012
Statistical data of the financial statement -
Annual statistical report 2021-
Annual statistical report 2021- -
Annual statistical report 2011 - 2020
Annual statistical reports -
Annual statistical report 2001 - 2010
Annual statistical reports -
Annual statistical report 1997 - 2000
Annual statistical reports